Core Commands

Command Description
/help [<command>|<module>|extra] Displays help for the bot, a command, or a module.
/info Shows the bot info.
/invite Invite the bot!
/vote Vote for the bot!
/credits See who made the bot possible.

Player Commands

Command Description
/profile <player> Shows info for a Minecraft account.
/history <player> Shows a player's name history.
/uuid <username|uuid> Shows UUID info for a player or entity.
/skin <player> Shows an image of a player's skin.
/cape <player> Shows a player's capes.
/avatar <username|uuid> [<scale>] [<overlay?>] Shows an image of the player's avatar.
/head <username|uuid> [<scale>] [<overlay?>] Shows an image of the player's head.
/body <username|uuid> [<scale>] [<overlay?>] Shows an image of the player's body.
/ansi <username|uuid> [<overlay?>] Converts a player's avatar to a colored text message.

Utility Commands

Command Description
/status Checks the status of Mojang servers.
/server <address>[:<port>] Fetches the stats of a Minecraft server.
/item <item name|id> Looks up an item.
/recipe <item name|id> Looks up recipes.
/ingredient <item name|id> Looks up the recipes containing an ingredient.
/stack <arguments...> Convert item counts to stacks, chests, shulkers, and back.
/coords <coordinate> [<dimension>] Convert Overworld <-> Nether coordinates and compute chunk positions.
/codes Lists the available chat codes.
/color <color> Look up a color.
/seed <seed> Converts some text to a seed number.
/shadow <seed> Gets the shadow of a seed.
/sha1 <text> Computes the sha1 hash of some text.
/random <type> [<arguments...>] Generate random numbers.

Discord Commands

Command Description
/user <user|id> Shows user info.
/guild Shows guild info.
/role <role|id> Shows role info.
/roles <user|id> List a user's roles.
/id <id> Gets the creation time of a Discord ID.
/purge <number> Cleans the bot messages.
/perms [<channel>] Test the bot's permissions in a channel.